About LocationSmart

LocationSmart is the world’s largest Location-as-a-Service (LaaS) company. We enable businesses with location, identity and global mobile engagement services across connected devices for consumers, workers and assets.

We provide the easiest and most comprehensive multi-source platform for local, hyper-local and context-aware application development. Serving Fortune 500 customers, enterprises, and value-added service providers, LocationSmart solves the needs of IoT, internet gaming and lottery compliance, financial transaction verification and other core enterprise needs.

LocationSmart is changing the ways companies do business. We deliver the broadest reach and largest global footprint to over 15 billion connected devices. Our device profiling technology is used to authenticate billions of transactions per month.





Location Matters® Blog

Location Matters® Blog

The Most Trusted Location-as-a-Service

LocationSmart helps businesses locate connected devices, anywhere in the world.